volim sve njegove filmove, a sinoc mi se konacno, konacno, konacno skinuo i atlantis. nekad daaaavno sam ga pogledala i od onda ga trazim za svoju privatnu kolekciju. to mi je nesto najbolje sto sam ikad gledala.
i piz_darija je ovdje cesto imala preporuke uz film. imam i ja. ovo je definitivno sjajno za gledati ako usput zapalite joint :mrgreen:
evo prijevoda pocetnog teksta. poslije toga nema nikakve price, samo uzivancija:
"Forget one by one
the everyday sounds.
All these noises
all these symbols of a life
that has become modern, urban.
Forget this glass-and-metal
Forget this asphalt
that every day
takes us faster, further.
Welcome to the world of Atlantis.
The original world.
A world that is magnificent,
mysterious, harmonious.
Man was born there.
Man grew up and matured there,
as a prince heir.
He trained his senses in this world
with no gravity
this world free of all chaos.
The love, the tenderness, the rhythm,
the grace, the spirit.
Many gifts offered forever
by that sea, beautiful and generous.
Forget one by one the memories
of our numerous generations.
Forget everything you know.
Dive a few million years earlier
when life,
this wonderful idea
was about to become a reality."
luc besson
- seagull
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luc besson
"iluzija je prosvjetljenje;
prosvjetljenje je iluzija"
prosvjetljenje je iluzija"
- Dodir_Svile
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Re: luc besson
Big Blue je odličan film, a moram priznat da mi je ovaj promakao..
Inače, ima on dobrih filmova.. 8:)
Inače, ima on dobrih filmova.. 8:)
''Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone.'' Ayn Rand